We appreciate that there is a learning curve to each of the puzzles. Therefore, below we have produced a reverse index for hints. Simply look up the puzzle you are finding tricky, and you'll find a pretty explicit hint to solve it. We have organised it this way so that you may see a hint above or below, but that it shouldn't ruin your gameplaying.
[spoiler]33 A French word is incorrect; link it to the image
31 Add all previous clues to identify the prisoner
1 Add the years that are shown above the crown line
37 Begin with S, and follow the direction of the coin
3 Binary spells a word out
8 Cipher key below helps to solve the dots
4 Collect the odd letters from the left-hand hockey sticks
25 Count up and down the honey drips alphabetically
12 Create an array using the key clues below and fill the letters in
32 Dots point to a corresponding letter
36 Each numeral relates to the letter place next to it
24 Fold the page where the chains are
35 Four cryptic clues sound out a longer word
40 Go one letter back for each
29 Group the letters hidden by the leaves
23 Highlight who wins each individual game
10 Join the hidden letter to the front word
21 Jump between top and bottom letter
2 List the six wives, and follow the ring
38 Maths and equations will help you identify the letters
41 Move the book 180 degrees
28 Move the crown down in the spaces it will fit
26 Move the piece to spell a three letter word, starting left
9 Numbers relate to the letters below
5 One of the capitals has the letters the wrong way
22 Peaks point to specific letters
18 Place each of the words after the same word
19 Remove the bars and put letters together
20 Roman numeral relate to previous puzzles, the binary for letters
14 Scan the barcode to show numbers which match the word
27 Signs on the door show o-clock times
15 Swap each pair of letters then join them together row by row
17 The middle windows use a famous code system
11 There are three rings showing a letter depending on their direction
7 Trace the keyhole and use it to reveal a word below
39 Use anagrams to cure the wrong-facing horse
16 Use the capital letters
30 Use the Catholic rhyme to cross oneself
13 Use the dark knights to help find the letters
6 Use the notes to spell something out
34 X relates to another puzzle number; solve the equations[/spoiler]