Quote from
Bremster on Sunday 21st June, 2020, 09:50
I had discounted even looking at the solution as it was meant to be solved, because at the start of the book it stated that "ideally the puzzles are solved in sequence" and "some puzzles require previous answers".
So we learn in this one, that in the number scheme used by the designer, 21 comes before 20 in a sequence.
That is going to make future puzzles interesting when you have to consider that any other numbers may not follow standard mathematical addition. Or just following page order, or the order on the website, is also probably wrong.
At this point I am wondering which puzzles are going to require clues from other books as a form of forced sales.
I had discounted even looking at the solution as it was meant to be solved, because at the start of the book it stated that "ideally the puzzles are solved in sequence" and "some puzzles require previous answers".
So we learn in this one, that in the number scheme used by the designer, 21 comes before 20 in a sequence.
That is going to make future puzzles interesting when you have to consider that any other numbers may not follow standard mathematical addition. Or just following page order, or the order on the website, is also probably wrong.
At this point I am wondering which puzzles are going to require clues from other books as a form of forced sales.
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