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Puzzle 24

There are some typos in this newspaper article. Maybe they are concealing something in plain sight? Look very carefully!

I found the letters 

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that are inccorect, but no word.

You missed the first letter. The others are either the letter presented or the letter that it should have been.

You're not far off!

What I missing?


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I'm also strugling with this... e.g. 

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You use either the wrong or the right letters. The first letters are

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kisanna12 has reacted to this post.

The code to hide a spoiler isnt working for me. On prisoner 7, there was a button. How are you guys hiding the spoilers? I need help on this but i cant tell you what ive gotten so far.

Sorry - latest updated seems to have hidden the formatting buttons and the spoiler feature.
We're working on it!

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