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Puzzle 4

12 hockey sticks, each with an altered letter, yet only four point clockwise...

I've tried many five letter words. Any hint? 

Look only at the ones that point clockwise: peath, duath, deach, keath
Have you identified the common word (from which each differ one letter only)?

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Quote from kisanna12 on Thursday 15th August, 2019, 12:50

Look only at the ones that point clockwise: peath, duath, deach, keath

In my copy of the book the 4 words pointing clockwise are: peath, duach, deach, dkatk.

So it's basically unsolvable. Is there an errata somewhere?


@f2ilbardo: Based on your four words, it's not unsolvable but... What are the lowercase letters in your four words?

Stephen Lockyer has reacted to this post.
Stephen Lockyer

OK, they might be different editions then.
For me, this worked:

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